Monday, December 3, 2007

Sailor Criticizes Law of the Sea Treaty in WorldNetDaily piece, Worries about UN Power Grab

"An encrusted artifact on the ocean floor just waiting to be excavated" - that's how Michael Rawlin's describes the Law of the Sea Treaty in his piece on today's

In the article, Rawlins, a lifelong merchant marine officer, offers up a poignant sailor's critique of this rusted, dangerous, and generally unseaworthy treaty.

For example, he notes with trepidation the omnipresence in LOST of redistributionist slang like "just and equitable economic order," "for the benefit of mankind as a whole," and "the common heritage of mankind." All of these phrases mean only one thing - competition and entreprenuership under the Treaty are looked at as anachronistic and downright exploitative.

Rawlins goes on to detail some of the more worrisome security provisions in LOST, and to critique the U.S. military's "tunnel-vision support" for it, especially given the the numerous restrictions on American sovereignty and freedom of action that pepper the treaty.

He concludes by noting noting that any treaty which diminishes U.S. rights in the oceans to the level of those wielded by the likes of Cuba and Luxembourg can't be a good thing. We at the Coalition to preserve American Sovereignty feel that he is right.

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